DuBois Forestry and Land Management Professionals
Sound Silviculture and Forest Management
(860) 774-8654

The process of renewing forest cover through natural and artificial seeding.
The process of establishing a forest in an area where there previously were no trees.
Professional foresters bring about a flush of woody and herbaceous growth on the forest floor by creating openings in the forest canopy. The size of the openings in the canopy determines the type of tree species that naturally regenerate. To foster diversity, foresters sometimes introduce trees through artificial regeneration, either by seed or by live growing stock.
Over the last 30 years, DuBois Forestry & Land Management Professionals has reforested hundreds of thousands of acres of wooded land through natural and artificial regeneration. We have also planted hundreds of thousands of seedlings.
As professional foresters, we select the tree species best suited to the site conditions of your property. Some tree species prefer sandy, well drained soils. Others require rich, organic soil. Professional forestry is key to ensuring the best results.
Eastern White Pine
(Pinus strobus)
Grows on just about any soil type, but does best on well-drained, sandy soil. Good seed years occur every 3-5 years, with an average of 27,000 seeds per pound. Long lived, with a maximum age exceeding 450 years.
White Spruce
(Picea glauca)
Has a transcontinental distribution, and is one of the hardiest conifers. Grows on glacial, lacustrine, marine, and alluvial soils. Thrives from sea level to about 5,000 ft. in elevation.
Flowering Dogwood
(Cornus florida)
Grows on a variety of soils ranging from deep, moist soils along streambanks to well drained, light upland soils. Usually occurs as a subordinate species in a number of different forest types.
Northern Red Oak
(Quercus rubra)
Grows on a wide range of soils. Depth and moisture affects growth the most. Moisture is a critical factor in the early survival and growth of seedlings. The lumber is very valuable, but the tree is susceptible to defoliation by the gypsy moth caterpillar.
Sugar Maple
(Acer saccharum)
Thrives on fertile, moist, well-drained soils. As the principal source of maple sugar, one tree yields about 10 gallons of sap per season. It takes 32 gallons of sap to make a gallon of maple syrup or 8 pounds of sugar.
(Larix laricina)
Has one of the widest ranges of all American conifers. Can grow in bogs and swamps, but prefers favorable sites. A shallow, compact root system, makes it susceptible to windthrow.
Yellow Poplar
(Liriodendron tulipifera)
Prefers moderately moist, well-drained, loose-textured soils. Rarely grows under very dry or very wet conditions. Flowers from early April to June. The flower is a favorite source of nectar for honeybees.
Black Walnut
(Juglans nigra)
Grows best in well drained bottom soils. Matures in 150 years, but may live to be 250 years old. The large, distinctively flavored nuts provide food for squirrels, red-bellied woodpeckers, and white tailed deer. The wood is extremely valuable.